节日的孤独是渗入到内心深处的, 留下的是工作的收尾和冷冰冰的工资, 心痛
Explore my latest thoughts🧠 and ideas🗑️ ...
- Published: at 11:02 AM
最近看了会fe相关的新技术, 大多与优化相关, zod是为了表单的类型验证, shadcn做了扩展度自定义度支持accessibility的UI组件, ssr是Next.js为主导, 很难找到新鲜事物, 如何持续提高自己的竞争力? 想到的是 1 持续刷题整理笔记 2 做相关的项目/写文章增加技术深度(性能优化过去的项目) 3 贡献PR 4 多看discord多了解新鲜的信息
Published: at 11:48 AM -
power of now讲的很多内容跟朋友之前说的一样, 我要努力精进和执行实践, 不要坠落下去, bcs its truth in my mind, 希望自己多一点内心的觉醒, 和力量
Published: at 01:31 AM -
打两份工让我有了一些安全感(经常担心自己被裁员), 但也让我意识到拥有安全感的代价有多高, 再就是年轻时候的安全感都是在减少可能性和机会, 因为这时候的安全感来自恐惧, 十年后的没有安全感是来自客观事实(die with zero的感想), 所以我已经无所畏惧了, 反正这都不是什么大事
Published: at 01:28 AM -
记账expense时发现花钱需要考虑下可持续性, 很多时候冲动消费买来的都不实用🤣, 节流太难了, 不如花时间精力研究下投资, 还是该学学虚拟货币(找下资料, 研究下趋势还有购买的方法)和sp500(研究下具体步骤, 看看帖子), 还有asset分配(问问gpt)
Published: at 01:22 AM -
最近工作很多, 相比过去, 完全没有个人的空间, 我坚持是因为想要调整作息, 解决部分入睡困难, 再就是看自己能在逆境中有多少觉悟, 而不是只专注于情绪本身, 其实并没有多少的现实压力, 更想锻炼下自己的能力, 做个实验. 但很久无法推动自己想做的事情也很麻烦, 所以还是要学会微调, 不要太追求完美主义
Published: at 11:18 PM -
看了会20年写的遗愿清单还有各种生活的记录, 发现自己很有毅力, 很敏感, 很洁癖, 很完美主义, 很没安全感, 很神经质, 对自己和他人要求都很高. 生活犹如模板, 自己的情绪如同噪音, 似乎像机器人, 没有一点情感, 除了愤怒的反抗崩溃和平静外, 还是需要跟自己和解, 接受现实
Published: at 02:12 AM -
很多时候高估了改变/行动的困难, 一旦看到其他人的行动, 会豁然开朗, 也就说我们需要让自己的想法被看到证实, 才敢于行动, 说白了就是害怕和怂
Published: at 02:58 AM -
year is longer when it just started than it halfly passed, for instance, if I wanna gain 10kg muscle in next year, I only need gain 1kg per month, like 1/30kg per day. If I wanna join FOSS, I could make 4PR per month, it will be 50PRs per Year. I need to pay attention to my attention. to know how to self-attention without being disturbed by noisy. If I wanna go to trip, just need 1/12 time of year, it's not long, right? but I need to prioritize the order those stuff. anyway, ppl always feel hopeful in the start, then feel disappointed in the end, so less is more, slow is fast.
Published: at 01:52 AM -
Happy New Year! I got a new offer today, not thrilled about offer, but maybe there are some new things to learn. Hope I could learn more and do something new in 2025. Don't be afraid to lose anything, bcs I never own anything. Everyday would be a great day, whatever. And let's burn the days in 2025.
Published: at 02:35 PM -
A perfect day routine: morning diary - Hacker News - watch course - eat - read - do fitness - watch course - write - read bookmark - read - sleep
Published: at 01:39 AM -
I have wasted all of my time, I do nothing when I could do, I take it for granted when I own it, I regret and miss the old time caused I am old and will die soon, I wish I could be slower and not too anxious and push myself if I have another choice
Published: at 11:51 PM -
为什么无法拒绝坏习惯? 比如盘腿坐, 导致身体重心靠前, 导致斜方肌很紧, 导致颈椎c5c6突出. 如果继续推演下去, 把时间线拉长以后, 可能会导致更加严重的后果, 但每次盘腿坐带来熟悉的舒服感, 让我拿颈椎作交易. 如何改变呢? 1. 意识到当下行为的严重后果 2. 循序渐进改善, 不要太焦虑短时间的失败 3. 让正确姿势更加有吸引力(舒服)
Published: at 02:18 AM -
不太想说所有的工作和职业发展都是shit, 之前看yc说, 面试通过率很高, 所有问题都有相应的答案, 当时很羡慕, 但最近自己也有了这样的感觉, 反而有点气馁, 没有挑战就没有兴奋感, 但另个角度来说, 世界上不可能没有挑战, 只是需要寻找, 现在的视角没有挑战带来的掌控感, 何尝不珍惜下这种感受呢?
Published: at 02:09 AM -
I work too much, work is too much for me, neither of us refused each other
Published: at 08:36 PM -
I hate winter, cold, now
Published: at 08:35 PM -
假如自信和经验绑定, 那每个人都有值得自信的领域. 但依赖于狭小外界建立的反馈, 是不稳定的, 自信是类似依恋类型的东西, 不依赖外在事物的价值, 类似自尊, not be defined by others or things, 比如大部分人用过去经历来证明价值以此感到自信, 正是没有自尊的原因, 又或者在井底之蛙中得到的'优秀', 也只是幻觉, 除非一直迸发
Published: at 04:30 PM -
Trip is a good investment for memory and experience, you could have opportunities to extend your memory and become a new ppl but something still remains the same as before --Egypt teacher
Published: at 02:07 AM -
Had a lesson with Egypt teacher, me: my friend said my pronunciation is not good, he: **language is a tool for communication**, we could understand each other, then we achieve the goal, others like accent are not important, most important things are to extend your vocabulary so that you could express your idea more accurately, and try to speak more clearly to be easily understood, they're the key
Published: at 02:04 AM -
I recently organized JD for full stack dev, aws is the most frequent keyword, so I started to think maybe I could get a shit cert of aws, it seems the learning is not boring, wanna give a try.
Published: at 02:47 AM -
第一次参加展会, 发现自我介绍都是挂牌各种背景(个个清北留学), 作为一个没有背景的弱鸡不知道如何开始介绍自己(热爱技术的全栈engineer), 也可能不够自信, 基本一直在问别人问题和介绍我们的产品(做梦都在介绍SEO, 万万没想到), 发现检测睡眠和用超声波催眠, 还有脑波学习反馈, vr摄像捕捉(dance dash), 社会学search engine(xiangqian.tech)很有意思, 还有很多具身的模拟, 可能会驱动未来媒体的创作. CTO懂得太多了, 几乎我懂的话题, 他都懂, 自叹不足(聊了很多技术(当前社交媒体被seo吞并的死局-小圈子-去中心化的发展),创业的现状(符号化和解决问题的两拨分流),社会学(社会案例和实验作为解构的对象进行分析, 霍布斯),游戏(讲了zach, 沙盒, human resource machine),ml的发展(理论>工程)), 学术和创业(自我直觉的实现和外界需求的驱动)
Published: at 12:47 AM -
Published: at 09:20 PM -
很享受腿部运动, 比如臀推, 无能为力的感觉产生一种满足感, 因为有进步空间, 特别兴奋, 期待下一次的战胜. 暂时无能为力又能时刻进步的感受犹如催化剂在我心里放了阵阵烟花, 这跟杏仁核一样, 但它没有什么危险(那种一步步逼近自己极限的感觉让我有点兴奋, 虽然我已经很多次受伤了😂可能平时情绪压抑都在这上面释放了). 每次的hit也让我绝对的募集和感受肌肉的发力, 身心合一让我清楚的意识到'我'是在这个世界上独立存活着的
Published: at 07:56 PM -
昨天我过阴历生日, 开了upwork的contract, 开单容易, 我该一步步开始了
Published: at 06:36 PM -
想了很多, 但几乎都无用, 最重要的: 运动+做想做的事情, 太多事情不可控, 对我来说也没啥价值
Published: at 06:34 PM -
想在有能力之后做自己想做的事情, 一切都还在过程中. 想要运动, 冥想, 工作, 见见朋友, 旅行
Published: at 03:20 AM -
自己做的也不多, 但想想工资也没产品的盈利的毛头, 一下子释然了. 毕竟我是被压榨的. | 我的同事很傻逼, 我的上司写代码很烂, 这何尝不是一种幸福? 因为傻逼同事不懂技术我可以任意做ddl掌握话语权, 因为上司代码很烂, 我没有必要提升逼格来浪费自己的时间, 跟草班台子谈什么理想
Published: at 07:22 PM -
Even I know I could finish any task if I want, but sometimes it's really hard to give up, even I prefer to use my time to do my own things, but the feeling of giving up is too shit, could I have a better solution? ohhh god, just let me acknowledge I have given up and it proves nothing.
Published: at 08:09 PM -
I am still working on a horrible nightmare task, I suddenly realize the reason of doing nothing or taking no action is that I don't have enough knowledge to identify the problem and find a solution, bcs I don't have enough experience to figure it out. but what a great chance to accept failure and cons of mine, then gained new things from it? so just do it and learn by failed
Published: at 11:09 PM -
不要困在情绪里, 不要害怕受伤, 我会好起来的, 并且很多事情可以做, 不要浪费自己的时间
Published: at 04:29 AM -
最近心情差, 连续3天几乎没睡, 白天好不容易睡着一点, 妈回家, 看我最近瘦到100斤, 几乎是8年前上高中的体重, 给我做了很多好吃的家常饭, 还包了粽子, 起床后感到了一种温暖. 可能只有父母会不管啥条件都会关心我的身体吧,所以我势必要对自己的身体负责, thrill uppppppppp💪
Published: at 03:42 AM -
我几乎很多事情都是必须做, 但因为困难来开始拖延做一些不重要的事情, 所以还是要降低心理预期, 减少不存在的压力带来的内耗, 怀疑, 焦虑, 当然休息也很重要
Published: at 04:38 AM -
每周的周三到周五, 三天高强度打工, 感觉要挂掉, 没有停下来思考的时间, 但挺想攒钱换个电脑的😂, 开始出去旅行
Published: at 04:37 AM -
发现很多代码堪称艺术, 自己还是无法完全领悟, 但最近偶尔会为之震撼, 当然转眼就忘, 可能需要记录下
Published: at 04:35 AM -
心情不好会做什么? 看family guy, 看star trek, 去kind words里, 看curb剪辑
Published: at 09:43 AM -
给小公司打工的好处: 1 自由度高, 不需要每件事情都去申请和询问 2 体会到一种重要感和存在感, 有立竿见影的影响力 3 开会少, 少了同事扯皮 4 工作不需要思考合作,基本是听话就好😂(可以思考自己的私事
Published: at 04:11 AM -
you only lack motivation when you do not have anything important to do, 95% of any hjobby or job is at best nonsense but most often destructive and harmful. do not get motivated to do those.
Published: at 12:29 AM -
第一次看Caroline Girvan时, 很忌妒, 因为她的身体素质太好了, 我比她年轻十岁, 但不及50%的体能, 所以我很长时间都没再看, 前段时间一直在徘徊于justdance和walking, 每次都有一种舒适区的满足感, 直到最近在reddit看了很多帖子说跟着Caroline Girvan涨了很多肌肉, 并且对比了很多其他的健身up主, 似乎都没有令我敬佩的, 所以: Caroline Girvan是我进入新手村遇到的高手村的大boss. 内心少了一分妒忌, 多了很多钦佩. 因为健身和学习新东西一样, 需要募集力, 类似心神合一的感觉, 是很困难的和长期坚持的, 但凡没个mental问题或长期动力, 没几个人愿意做
Published: at 02:50 AM -
fuck all scams web3 companies
Published: at 06:41 PM -
工作中碰到不懂技术的normie, 它们真的蠢, 蠢到不想说话. 产品和设计这玩意, 程序员真的可以独自承担, 创业真的是唯一的路子(对于给不了好的待遇和学不到经验的活儿), 打工本身就是某种自我感动, 没人会对自己的成果感到尊敬,但自己做的东西一直都在那
Published: at 06:36 PM -
I am doing shit jobs to pay my bills. It doesn't like onsite job, you could bypass and feel boring or frustrated in the day. but truly what a hard work to exchange money. is this remote job that I think before? maybe I just wanna some easy/free/relax job but also could make good money. does it exist? still struggle learn deeper interview tricks of js these days, TBH, I could pass most of mid-level interview easily. but for senior qa, I still have no confidence
Published: at 03:08 AM -
越着急,越浪费时间来纠结和焦虑,star trek里'one problem at one time', 'stress cant change situation'说的真好,还是认真过好每一天啊,寄托未来等于出卖现在。接受-分析-解决.我经常pua自己: 完成了a可以享受b, 但往往事情没有尽头, 如同外在附加给人的欲望一样. 结果是激情会耗尽,事情会过期. 看了会star trek真开心😄
Published: at 05:29 AM -
If we are controlled by desire and fear, which means we wanna use weapon to defend our life. Objectively, if ppl have **high Intelligence and enough money**, they could create wonderful works by themselves. But if we do this only because we are afraid of future, and sacrifice nowtime to exchange a bit safety of future, we will be controlled by fear and desire, far from freedom in mind. For example, whore said they do this for better life, they are afraid of unsafety and challenge, and hope everything go well after solving money problem. that's bullshit. ppl could enjoy life only they could enjoy and be gratitude about what they have now, like health, time, passion, interest, that's the light of human being.(PS: I just got rejected by a spam web3 company)
Published: at 03:55 AM -
如何做一个多面体长久的tag? 尽可能用相关的动词, 名词来覆盖, 并且用常见的同义词, 多打tag总比少打好
Published: at 11:39 PM -
我受够了xx互联网千篇一律的狭窄语系的表达, 并不是分享想法或讨论, 只是在秀优越感, 结果就是没有让我眼前一亮的东西, 就如同一个个苟同的城市, 没有任何区别. 也许这片土地就没有滋生想象力和创造力的土壤, 如同我可悲的家乡一样
Published: at 03:14 AM -
所以未来的价值在哪呢? 今天的价值已经失去意义, 至少与我无关. 我该如何抓住10年后的机会呢? 如何培养自己的这种能力呢? | 有效市场指的不止是股市,它可以套用到所有的信息传递上,所以换句话说'你知道这件事有用的时候已经没用了',再换句话说就是'有用的事情永远是你现在不知道aka没发现的',所以是不是比起运用已有的信息进行计划不如靠直觉?
Updated: at 03:12 AM -
看了会ai dir的reddit post, 发现已经垃圾抄袭遍地, 但垃圾里也能发现新需求, 如果是懂产品的, 等有空研究下吧. 纪念新域名 aireact.me. | 想要做个工具站来学SEO,在选keyword和分析用户需求上,太难了,但第一次做,只是为了跑通流程罢了,如果一直耽搁在这,就没法前进,只是停滞,而且一旦着眼那些不好的地方,就没法开始了,所以想太多真的有用吗?还是过拟合了?--> 总在开始前就想控制一切,那就没法进步和探索了阿?没有勇气,不断害怕失败,就无法扩展自我了
Updated: at 03:10 AM -
社交的好处在于表达完自己的观点可以有反馈, 可以把所学的东西应用到人与人的实践之中, 在于可以跳出自己的信息茧房看到更多的多样性进而扩充自己, 在于合作能让自己走的更远, 在于consult能力可以提高
Published: at 12:09 PM -
Recently I live alone, when I woke up, I used to check some msg of mail or whatever other stuff related to job, when I got no feedback, always felt void, then chose to read some shit social media to make me 'happy', but TBH, it just made everything worse, like I need to spend more than 1 hour to get up, what it means is this will waste my precious morning time that could change something, and those social shits just meaningless which led to meaningless emotion. In the long term, this will even decrease my ability of cognitive and truly feelings aka awareness of objective things. As a human-being, I need to take care of my self and surroundings(similar to self-responsibility, caused cognitive-action gap aka a bug in brain, sometimes even felt guilty of this process, I knew it, but I can't do it rightly) to make a nice environment to grow up my mindset, ok...that's all. I will do something now..I will try to control this, caused life is too short, and I need to explore and extend it, don't wanna let those shit to waste my time and life. And there will be another nice day?
Published: at 05:09 PM -
If I have infinite energy, I will create my own saas product, I will contribute to open source, I will enroll some new interesting courses, I will read kant, but I am human-being, I just need to make a choice and do it without doubt.
Published: at 05:04 PM -
如何快速的开始自己的saas应用, 感觉能做这么一套东西是很酷的
Published: at 05:33 AM -
读个online的学位不错, 如果能学到新东西的话
Published: at 05:05 AM -
面试fe和fullstack准备的内容之多, 让我快崩溃了, 只能说很多事情真的做不到, 尤其是过去没有足够的经验, 用再多个工具和精力也无法做到, 累了, 而且抱佛脚这种行为基本都短期记忆, 长期来说, 无价值可言🤮
Published: at 04:42 AM -
笔记是input, 制作成anki, 进入大脑, 才能吸收. 做笔记犹如准备食材, anki是烹饪和食用. PS(昨天把大部分QA都已经做成anki, 剩下的是pure coding准备, anki极大的释放了我的大脑缓存), 做anki card犹如洗菜, 对笔记进行二次审查
Published: at 09:50 PM -
Published: at 04:10 AM -
There is endless last time, but will not become the 1st next time, too stupid and easy to fool myself, just do it and just end it, and make changes
Published: at 03:34 AM -
Published: at 08:24 PM -
面试而言,问题太多,一方面是code的能力,一方面是tech表达的能力。code的能力太compound,但关键的还是JS,其他的都是在这上面建筑起来的。除此之外,还有clean code,dry, format之类。表达的话,更像是用准确的逻辑把重点连接起来,再用例子去解释,可能最近说话太少,表达能力下降了。我感觉准备面试而言,维度很多,导致无法立马有个明确的计划。另方面,结果的不确定性和过程里缺少反馈导致很容易怀疑自己。直接干就完了
Published: at 05:20 AM -
最近看叔本华 人生的智慧,他的思想跟道家相似,强调摒弃外界的虚(表象世界),并说过于沉浸外界的追求会带来痛苦,类似于轮回,避免痛苦就是幸福的人生。也通过很多例子来证实这个。比如追求名誉是屈尊来满足他人的诉求,压抑个人就是很不值得的,并且他把蠢人打一巴掌比喻成驴踢他一脚. 另一个方面,他也强调人要发挥个性去实现自我,比如通过创作文学哲学之类,去把自己的思想变为客体. 也抨击不能陷入幻想之中,幻想类似黑夜,让人没有节制,变得丑陋和动物化.还有点禅宗修炼的感觉
Published: at 07:05 PM -
Published: at 10:50 PM -
Published: at 03:57 PM -
thoughts 类似于一个cache,是为了释放大脑空间,和记录百分之一的灵感
Published: at 02:14 AM -
Share some daily thoughts there like twitter or other things.
Updated: at 02:13 AM