Table of contents#
首先,休息是为了提高工作效率,延长精力可以使用的时间,不能过于耗费精力导致无法延续。那么,如何来休息呢?关于休息,第一,需要喝水,第二需要起来活动下,顺便远眺放松下,第三,可以看绿色的图片,第四,也许可以用音乐(NSDR)来放松。一般来说,工作51分钟,休息17分钟,如此循环。再就是坏习惯的戒断 AKA 好习惯的养成,我觉得计数是个好方法,刚买了物理计数器,实验中…
听caffine之类的音乐让人振奋,听40hz的音乐让人放松,听tokyo spliff让我想要创作。
- NSDR, wakingup’s meditation
- Evil Morty
- Pretties
- UT-TobyFox #Bergetrucking
- Im not okay
- dark vibe
- lyric hit u
Take longer breaks. After 4 sets I’ll take a longer break. I try to get out into the sun and incorporate some minimum amount of movement. If you have time, walk around the block. If you can, walk in a forested area.
set 4, 10 minute intervals with 1 minute breaks. I make sure to have the ticking going in the background because it’s an added reminder of the passage of time.